

Thanks to the hard work of our neighbour Billy Bland we have a vegetable patch in the meadow field. We grow a variety: potatoes, leeks, kale, beetroot,onions, garlic,tomatoes, courgettes and carrots. Unfortunately we don’t do so well with the brassicas tend to get munched by very hungry caterpillars! Still the butterflies are amazing!

Wild flowers and Trees

We’re working to encourage biodiversity by restoring the meadow field. We build on this year on year through sowing native wildflower seed and plug planting flowers we grow our in our nursery. We’re also growing a variety of native trees from locally sourced seed to support regenerating, together with other local conservation charities, the precious temperate rainforest habitat in the valley. It’s coming along and many of our visitors love learning and joining in with this work.

It’ll be great to see some of the wild flowers growing in the valley again. I can remember as a kid we used to collect them and press them in a book. We knew all their names.
Billy Bland
It’ll be great to see some of the wild flowers growing in the valley again. I can remember as a kid we used to collect them and press them in a book. We knew all their names.
Billy Bland